Identity verification for COVID-19 vaccination certificate

Your COVID-19 vaccine certificate link has expired.

If you have a green photo health (OHIP) card, you can visit Ontario COVID-19 vaccination page or can call the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900 (TTY) to get access to your COVID-19 vaccine certificate.

If you have a red and white health card or do not have an Ontario health card at all, you can call the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900 (TTY) to get access to your COVID-19 vaccine certificate.

Enter identity information. All fields are required.
Enter your 10 digits of green photo health (OHIP) card or red and white health card number or COVID ID

Identification number is required

Identification number is invalid

Enter the 2 digits for your month of birth, for example, for March use 03

Month of birth is required

Month of birth is invalid